Debate: Rich Rodriguez vs Pastor Gene Cook

I was featured on the Narrow Mind radio show/podcast this morning.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Raki said...

Rich,those are some thick headed people. I wouldn't even talk to someone who would find it necessary to pre-suppose at every question. Good exchange though....

Eeenormous said...

Why do you waste your breathe? The audacity of These are the wrong people to engage. God's "word" can never be wrong and they will distort the context to make it true.

Rich Rodriguez said...

I don't talk to these guys for them. I do it for the chance that someone listening will think about the issues I propose.

Aspirin99 said...

I agree, Rich. People are at different places. If it's a Bell curve, with people considering conversion on one end and people considering leaving on the other and these folks in the middle, the people on the edges are most affected by rationality.

Eenormous said...

The thing is think a biblical discourse would seem to be the weakest argument to the viewer, because like the radio host the listeners carry the presupposition that there is always an explanation to apparent contradictions. And the notion that you have to be a believer to understand text sounds ridiculous but rings truth to them.

I think that maybe a starting with a philosophical approach would prove slightly more effective because thought independent from scripture can be provoked.

What sucks is that in order to cast doubt in a fervent Christian listeners mind you have to make the radio host stumble or seem stumped. These guys will have an answer for everything no matter how ignorant.

Good luck Rich.

Renacier said...

My god, you are a more patient man than I. I got to the part where they started splitting hairs about the difference between murder and killing, and that was as much as I could stomach.
Kudos to your fortitude.

PhillyChief said...

is there somewhere else I can hear this or maybe download? I'm 2 minutes in and no Rich and there's no means to scrub forward so I can't continue listening here. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Interesting show. It's always fun to hear the excuses for biblical contradictions.

Xwynters said...

OK, i could only spend 47 minutes listening to it all, but i'd definatly have to say that apparently you've got alot of things out of context from their point of view. I'm with ya Rod.

Steven said...

I love how the Christians try to say that Rich doesn't understand the context. What they really mean is he doesn't have the cognitive bias that it must make sense because it's god's word. If you assume it must make sense you will jump through multiple mental hoops to try and match up the contradictions.

I can't take someone seriously who says "The moral law is written on my heart"

Total white noise

Aatch said...

Wow, good debate. Though I am stunned at how Pastor Cook can sit there and make grand "infallible" observations that are easily knocked down. Like his entire "humans killing humans" section. If you look at other animals, they rarely kill each other for food, in their own societies at least. And at an instinctual level you can argue that by killing a member of your own species, you are lessening the chances of survival for you species.

Pious morons like that read the bible the way they wish. And rarely make research into the greater world.

I liked Rich's point about defaulting to God. Like if science can't prove it, it must be God. With no proof.

Anonymous said...

Can these people do ANYTHING without begging for money? If god is so omnipotent why is he always broke? Give me a @%*&@#^%$(* break.

pipelineaudio said...

You are doing a great job Rich, to put a much needed new face on the RRS, without the bigotry and arrogance. I also enjoyed your Pastor Joe debate

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